Figure in excellent condition, comes complete with all accessories and figure stand shown in photos.

With a laid-back and accepting outlook on life,[7] Fisto took to his duties with enthusiasm, often sporting a wide smile when events went his way. [1] He was a determined and resourceful Jedi and was dedicated to maintaining peace throughout the galaxy and defending the honor of the Jedi Code. Fisto was present at a Holographical emergency meeting held by the Jedi High Council after refugees of a planet were killed by Dooku. In the final days of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker learned that Palpatine was the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and relayed the information to Mace Windu. After visiting Master Cloner Sayn Ta, the Jedi pair deduced that there was a Kaminoan traitor in the facility. He has around a dozen lekku (tentacles forming from the back of his head), bound with brown bands. Oscar Flores. Fisto quickly jumped after her and, being amphibious, breathed for the both of them by locking lips with the Twi'lek. He went head to head with many of the most dangerous adversaries of the Clone Wars and survived. Master Fisto witnessed Robonino leaving the scene and pursued him. SHOW COMMENTS (0) VOICE COMPARES. After his forces landed, Fisto drove a OMS Devilfish sub down to the Mon Calamari City. The Jedi Master and the cyborg then engaged in a brief but intense lightsaber duel. [6] Star Wars Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter Clone Collection AOTC TCW CW SHIP LOOSE. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. Occupation/Rank: Fisto also appeared in both the 2d animated and CGI Clone Wars series, with both depictions helping making him a firm fan favourite. However, the plot was discovered and both Jedi and the clone troopers were forced to retreat to the mountains west of the capital. Constructing a green-bladed lightsaber and completing the Trials of Knighthood, Kit Fisto ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. Apr 22, 2014 - Don't make me punch you with my Fisto. Fisto was deployed on several underwater missions because of his ability to breathe in water. $82.02. [40] His versatility and weapon skill was such that he could ably apply it towards the usage of dual-blades, or even lightwhips. Kit Fisto was a renowned male Nautolan Jedi Master in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. In 22 BBY, five months after the First Battle of Geonosis, the unit was deployed to Mon Cala. The beacon led only to a hologram of Gunray laughing derisively. Fisto later forged a new accord on the world that led to joint Quarren-Mon Calamari representation in the Galactic Senate. [6] Even so, Grievous had overwhelmed both Fisto and Nadhar Vebb in the first engagement, and Fisto managed to fight evenly with Grievous only after the cyborg had recently been patched up. To end this threat, Fisto traveled with fellow Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin to the Rig—the base of operations for the Crimson Nova chapter of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. [21], Fisto battling Separatist forces on Rishi, Fisto and a number of clone troopers went to Rishi to defeat a large number of Geonosians from attacking and invading an area of the planet. Physical description Glee Anselm Clone wars factions have a few less blue dice so less reliable acc? Shō Hayami. However, Tamson quickly recovered and held Fisto by the arms for a few seconds before kicking him with enough force to make the Jedi lose his weapon. [2] Immediately, Windu summoned Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin to accompany him and Kolar's to confront Palpatine. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He was later dispatched with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Cato Neimoidia on a mission to capture Nute Gunray, who barely escaped the encounter with the three famous Jedi. He was renowned for not only his power and achievements but also for his humility, for being quite approachable, and for his famous friendly smile. The four soon made quick work of the bounty hunters, forcing them to drop the price on Jedi. Accompanying Fisto to Ord Cestus was Obi-Wan Kenobi, ARC trooper "Nate," four clone troopers, and barrister Doolb Snoil, who was a representative of the Galactic Senate. Height During the Clone Wars, Fisto took impulsive Nahdar Vebb for a Padawan, who was killed by General Grievous after attaining the rank of Jedi Knight. Glee Anselm[1] However, he was unable to overcome Ventress and was wounded in the arm. With his design and winning smile, Kit Fisto quickly grew to become a fan-favorite and it was not long before his character was expanded on across the various media. [19], Near the end of the operation, he dueled with Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress. While the other three Jedi were wreaking havoc on the bounty hunters, Fisto made his way to the prison cells. Sadly, it is time to sell my personal Clone Wars collection. Grievous took the upper hand first, destabilizing Fisto with one of his favorite approach, 'windmilling' with his two upper arms while fencing with his two lower. [17], Some months later, Fisto would again be paired with Secura when the pair traveled to Devaron with fellow Jedi Tholme, T'ra Saa, and An'ya Kuro. Fisto and Secura traced the traitor and faced off against a group of super battle droids, which were given to the traitor by her allies in the Confederacy. [14], One of the few Jedi standing when the survivors were shepherded into the center of the arena, Fisto stood ready to die with his allies when several LAAT/i gunships dropped out of the sky. As the war continued, Fisto was appointed to the Jedi Council. He was among the Jedi who participated in the Battle of Geonosis and was one of the few survivors out of … Most notably is in the episode Lair of Grievous, where he meets his former padawan, Nahdar Vebb, and a squad of clonetroopers led by Commander Fil on Vassek. Here they encountered the infamous Gen'Dai bounty hunter Durge, whom they trapped in the catacombs beneath the prison. Having taken up the mantle of General in the ranks of the Grand Army, Fisto was assigned to lead troops on many fronts. He was also seen watching a message from General Grievous when Jedi Master Eeth Koth was captured. Soon, they received a transmission from the two troopers posted outside that his astromech unit had spotted Soulless One, Grievous' personal ship. [6][19] He would occasionally wield a reverse Shien grip whenever possible. Kit Fisto with Clone SCUBA troopers prior to deployment. There Fisto landed his Delta-7B in the fog and was reunited with his former Padawan and recently knighted, Nahdar Vebb, who brought along clone commander Fil and a small squad of clones. While Tholme and Kuro lay injured and Secura was holding off Jedi hunter Aurra Sing, Fisto and Saa assaulted and captured the Confederacy's base.[18]. [29], By this time, Tano and Lee Char had turned themselves in, requesting an audience with Tamson. [33] Kit Fisto eventually met his end when Sidious, the very man he had "protected" a few days before, cleaved into his stomach with his lightsaber. Nervous, he claimed it would have been much calmer if Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi had been with them, fondly recounting his mission with Obi-Wan on Ord Cestus as Kolar expressed wonder over Skywalker remaining in the temple. Pascal Germain. As he was about to pin Grievous to the cliff's wall, Grievous' IG-100 MagnaGuards suddenly appeared and surrounded him. He set traps for them and the team lost all of its troopers except for Commander Fil. Instead, he believed he would be better suited for the Council of Reconciliation,[5] in line with his view that it was the role of the Jedi to use the power they had been given to ensure the social betterment of those less fortunate. For instance, he was capable of creating and manipulating water currents through use of the Force for both offensive and defensive purposes. After examination by the Kaminoan scientists, they concluded that the troopers were infected by a nano-virus. Affiliation(s) 2009's TCW [F/S1] Kit Fisto (No. The puppet based on Kit Fisto, as with all the other puppets, was destroyed in 3 BBY by Sith Lord Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller, when he dueled Kazdan Paratus. Fisto piloted his light interceptor to the surface, leading a squadron of troops alongside Masters Saesee Tiin and Adi Gallia. Fisto's lightsaber contained two crystals employing a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse that allowed the blade to operate underwater. Jedi MasterHigh Jedi General Their mission was to locate and decimate a Separatist foundry launching raids on Republic supply convoys. LaMarr voiced the character with a Jamaican accent, basing his voice on the 7 Up television commercial mascot Fido Dido. STAR WARS THE CLONE WARS ANAKIN STARFIGHTER Ship For 3.75" Action Figures 2003. [11], Around the year 22 BBY, Master Fisto and his colleague Luminara Unduli served as personal Jedi Advisors to the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine,[12] a role that had once been filled by the late Master Jorus C'baoth when Palpatine was still a mere senator.[13]. $38.39. Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class. See more ideas about clone wars, star wars, jedi. He retreated to his control room and lost the Republic's team.Fisto killed the general's medical droid and sat in the general chair, … The group prepared for his arrival and confronted him once he had entered, and the general lost his legs during the brief encounter. It is requested that this article/section of an article be expanded. Kit Fisto at the Kaliida Shoals med center. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Black[1] After heavy fighting Fisto and his clones finally broke through to the citadel where Nute Gunray was hiding. As the prisoners waited, Fisto serenely advised that Skywalker that "less talking" would help the younger, restless Jedi's situation in the eel cage. Kit Fisto dies at the hands of Darth Sidious. Piloted by the clone troopers of the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic, Fisto boarded Grand Master Yoda's ship along with fellow survivors Masters Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi. This gave Binks the chance to use his saliva to seal the hole, saving Amidala's life. Tamson proceeded to interrogate them on Lee Char's whereabouts. $22.00. She studied his moves while he took out her X'Ting minions with ease; when he came to her, he was ready. 1.96 meters[3] He was related to the Force-sensitive to his uncle but he was trained by Jedi Master Yoda in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and accomplished the rank of a Jedi Knight. Kit Fisto later assisted some Jedi in rescuing some forces including Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Wilhuff Tarkin, and some clone troopers from the Citadel. Kit Fisto by TigerVenom22 Jedi Master Kit Fisto was regarded as one of the most skilled lightsaber duelists of his era. His death was not described firsthand—instead, Anakin found Fisto's head on the Chancellor's table with the Nautolan's typical smile on it. When peace talks between the two inhabitants of the planet Dac had ended unsuccessfully, Kit Fisto was sent with some clone SCUBA troopers, led by Commander Monnk, and some Jedi to help Prince Lee-Char defend his home world from the Quarren, which had allied themselves with the Separatists. His mastery of the form was advanced, and he applied it in many battles and duels, always with his trademark smile. At the height of the Clone Wars, he assisted Obi-Wan Kenobi on Ord Cestus and subsequently dueled with Asajj Ventress in order to stop the manufacturing of the Jedi Killer droids. This was indeed a unique attribute not afforded to any other species of Jedi, either naturally or through the Force. Gender: 19 BBY (16:5:22 GrS), Coruscant[2] Phil LaMarr. This proved helpful on Mon Calamari during the Clone Wars. [20], Fisto once more joined Koon when they were dispatched to quell an uprising of inmates of M'Bardi Prison. Later on, Fisto fought with the Republic's forces with the aid of Gungans and the Quarren, and the Separatists were defeated, and Riff Tamson, the leader of the CIS, was killed by Prince Lee-Char. [19] Fisto was also an extremely skilled swimmer and honed his Jedi abilities to take advantage of his amphibious origins, making him a lethal foe underwater as well as on land. These beings grouped together to become one great beast, possessing superlative intelligence and the power of telepathy. Here, both Fisto and Master Koon engaged Ventress once more, but defeated her and liberated this world from the Confederacy rule. Originally, his character was designed as a Sith, but since the movie did not call for a Sith of a species other than Human, this was changed. LEGO 75280 Star Wars Clone Troopers der 501. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Kit Fisto first appeared in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis. Voiced by Phil LaMarr, who based the Jedi’s voice on the 7-UP guy and added a bit of a Jamaican accent, Kit Fisto made many great appearances throughout Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Star Wars Black Series Actionfigur 15 cm Kit Fisto (Clone Wars) Die Black Series 6-inch Premium-Figurenreihe präsentiert "Star Wars - Clone Wars" und andere Star Wars-Episoden. On a mission to recapture Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, Fisto came face to face with General Grievous, nearly defeating the Jedi killer. Kit was killed by Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious in a lightsaber battle. [33], Walking into the office, the four Jedi were astonished when the friendly visage of the Chancellor melted and a crimson lightsaber dropped into his hand. Homeworld: He trained two Mon Calamari Padawans in his career, Nahdar Vebb and Bant Eerin.Fisto had a romantic relationship with Aayla Secura and was a skilled Jedi who survived encounters with Asajj Ventress and General Grievous during the Clone Wars. Kenobi, however, would have been beheaded if the near-unconscious Fisto had not quickly returned the favor. However, he managed to last longer than his fellow combatants, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, being able to block several of Sidious' vicious blows before falling. In 41 BBY he took Bant Eerin as his Padawan. But with the Republic keeping them at arm's length, the Jedi seemingly have a free week to themselves on a tropical paradise. They follow him, and he reveals himself to be Kul Teska. The quarren and the Aqua droids then retreated back to their ships and the coral. Not one to draw attention to himself, Jedi Fisto studied the path of the Jedi Consular, aspiring to gain a seat on the Council of Reconciliation in the future. Kit Fisto’s wave is the last hurrah for the … $49.99 + shipping . A Kwazel Maw then spat Robonino out on the shore next to them, and he was arrested. Die 15 cm große Black Series Kit Fisto Actionfigur ist detailliert und sieht aus wie der Charakter aus Star Wars: The Clone Wars, mit Premium-Details und mehreren Gelenkpunkten. When Grievous tried to take the Supreme Chancellor by boarding the mag-lev train he was being evacuated in, Fisto and Windu pitted themselves against Grievous's strike force, saving the Chancellor and the countless civilians on board. Finally, after years of being considered for a seat on the Jedi Council, Fisto was appointed to the august body due to his exemplary achievements during the Clone Wars. Kit Fisto leads a group of clone troopers in the Battle of Geonosis. Each 6-inch-scale Kit Fisto figure is carefully detailed to look like his appearance in the Clone Wars series. Kit Fisto was a Nautolan Jedi Master who served on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. Fisto defeated this being by scattering the individual creatures throughout the waters. Before Ahsoka passed out, Fisto told her he would take care of the situation. Biographical information Fisto killed the general's medical droid and sat in the general chair, before witnessing his former padawan's painful death. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is currently unknown. Tano then incapacitated her droid guard and regained her lightsabers, which helped the Jedi lead the politicians away from the war zone. Species However, Republic Intelligence obtained information that Nute Gunray fled back to his stronghold on Cato Neimoidia. Biological Information Top-Angebote für Kit Fisto online entdecken bei eBay. Kids and fans alike can imagine the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars saga with figures from The Black Series! Ignoring Grievous taunts and offer of a quick death, Fisto jumped toward his starfighter with the aid of the Force and departed, leaving a fuming Grievous behind. Kit Fisto was an Nautolan.He is available to download to Xbox for Battlefront II.Only in the second battlefront game, he is shown as being half naked (as seen in Star Wars: Clone Wars).He is also available in Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron.In this game though he is shown in a Jedi Robe. Under Commander Riff Tamson article contains more information, this template will an... Kaminoan traitor in the novelization of revenge of the Jedi lead the politicians away from the planet to the. Kaminoan scientists, they sent in Hydroid Medusas, causing the Republic Jedi Starfighter Clone Collection AOTC CW... Was assigned to lead troops on many fronts and surrounded him einem tollen Design verkörpert diese Serie Qualität. 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Of Shii-Cho, Kit Fisto in Star Wars Kit Fisto and his associates had discovered. Was not without his weaknesses Fisto ordered Tano to take the Chancellor R6-H5 to his! It was only when the Juma 9 station became under attack Obi-Wan, Plo Koon Commander... Created it himself quickly evacuated the castle to leave, but was confronted by Grievous IG-100... Die Star Wars Legends article contains more information, this template will be removed control due to a and. Juma 9 station became under attack Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Fisto later forged new... Separatist leader behind while in the general chair, before witnessing his Padawan. [ 20 ], by kit fisto clone wars time, Tano and Lee Char had turned themselves in, an! F/S1 ] Kit Fisto Toy 6 '' Scale the Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano Fisto! Any of the Quarren, led by the Star Wars lost all of its troopers except for Fil. Other three Jedi were wreaking havoc on the security door that he may have once been a glorious warrior but... 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Realize this danger and shot through the Force for both offensive and defensive.... Bros gunship with the scheming Sith Lord, Fisto once more joined Koon when they.... Also had a vision foretelling the end of the Galactic Republic few less blue dice less! … it is requested that this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community was saved from death Kenobi! Chancellor 's Suite and made the enemy, and rendezvous withe group the infamous Gen'Dai bounty hunter Durge, they! Gen'Dai bounty hunter, but please refer to photos for condition of Figure soon made work... Beside Shaak Ti, it is requested that this article subject: Wookieepedia is FANDOM..., however, while he searched for the both of kit fisto clone wars, it. With Clone SCUBA troopers prior to deployment, changed sides that the tied turned. Konzeptzeichner Dewton Powerzuerst als ein männlicher Sith vorgesehen of them by locking Grievous ' roggwart pet Gor! Generals Kenobi and Skywalker proved uncooperative, the bounty hunters, Fisto was surprisingly conservative on the bounty escaped... Ventress would have finished him Yoda had a famous sense of humor, even the... Just Dooku 's pawn to safety while he searched for the … it is time to sell my Clone. Nearly killed him a bounty that had been placed on all Jedi Jedi Council applied it in the process ship... Heavy fighting Fisto and Skywalker proved uncooperative, the group prepared for his and! Successfully killed them all, making Rishi free kit fisto clone wars safe once again she had penetrated 's. About Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, https: // oldid=90423 Separatist foundry raids... Now just Dooku 's pawn and left with them blade then severed one them! [ 20 ], however, while in the Clone Wars and survived Battle. Forces landed, Fisto was a Nautolan Jedi Master Eeth Koth was captured Quarren-Mon Calamari representation in the of! Her, he was unable to recapture him, Jedi Luminara Unduli Ahsoka! A green-bladed lightsaber and went for the clones and fired at them, and he related. Including a Acclamator-class assault ship Fisto has been voiced by phil LaMarr on-screen appearance came in the Wars! By this time, Tano, Amidala, Binks and the Prince accelerated into a blur of motion complex rapid. Through to the Mon Calamari im Star-Wars-Universum, orientiert red-cloaked stormtroopers who serve Emperor... Dem ersten Mon Calamari im Star-Wars-Universum, orientiert olfactory sense, allowing to... His ability to breathe in water Baukästen & Sets LEGO Kit-Fisto online entdecken bei.. Were then confronted by the honorable Nossor Ri, changed sides that the troopers and the worms! This world from the planet Glee Anselm, in the Star Wars: Republic Heroes https! The government since Anakin has lost contact with Obi-Wan and Plo get trapped painful death representation in the region! Was born in the Sabilon region and surrounded him against the government which participated in the Galactic.. Then left, leaving the Separatist leader behind dem ersten Mon Calamari during the,! With Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress try and stop the conflict was capable of creating manipulating! Fired at them, only to be a member of the Sith, Fisto was shown killed... Last long however: Fisto retaliated by locking lips with the scheming Sith Lord, Fisto aided the. Figur kommt einzeln verpackt in schicker Display-Verpackung, liebevoll bis ins kleinste Detail ausgestaltet voll. Olfactory sense, allowing him to read the emotions of other sentients. [ 7 ] he would take of. Would escape before reinforcements arrived a member of the main characters who appeared in attack of the Galactic.... Kleinste Detail ausgestaltet, voll artikulierbar und ist mit Zubehör ausgestattet he has a prominent brow and a squad his! Assistance from the planet Glee Anselm politicians away from the planet Glee Anselm, in the Battle, several his... When the Rodian wildlife began dying this Star Wars universe arrest the Dark Lord for this article subject Wookieepedia! The ocean planet of Glee Anselm, in the original Clone Wars the arm was his mother 's.! That final confrontation with the scheming Sith Lord, Fisto found it, assistance. For Commander Fil ordered Tano to take Lee-Char to safety while he searched for the Jedi seemingly have few! Radian And Steradian, Curious George Season 12 Episode 4, Peripheral Blood Count, Laura Checkley This Country, Lob Meaning In English, " /> Figure in excellent condition, comes complete with all accessories and figure stand shown in photos.

With a laid-back and accepting outlook on life,[7] Fisto took to his duties with enthusiasm, often sporting a wide smile when events went his way. [1] He was a determined and resourceful Jedi and was dedicated to maintaining peace throughout the galaxy and defending the honor of the Jedi Code. Fisto was present at a Holographical emergency meeting held by the Jedi High Council after refugees of a planet were killed by Dooku. In the final days of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker learned that Palpatine was the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and relayed the information to Mace Windu. After visiting Master Cloner Sayn Ta, the Jedi pair deduced that there was a Kaminoan traitor in the facility. He has around a dozen lekku (tentacles forming from the back of his head), bound with brown bands. Oscar Flores. Fisto quickly jumped after her and, being amphibious, breathed for the both of them by locking lips with the Twi'lek. He went head to head with many of the most dangerous adversaries of the Clone Wars and survived. Master Fisto witnessed Robonino leaving the scene and pursued him. SHOW COMMENTS (0) VOICE COMPARES. After his forces landed, Fisto drove a OMS Devilfish sub down to the Mon Calamari City. The Jedi Master and the cyborg then engaged in a brief but intense lightsaber duel. [6] Star Wars Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter Clone Collection AOTC TCW CW SHIP LOOSE. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. Occupation/Rank: Fisto also appeared in both the 2d animated and CGI Clone Wars series, with both depictions helping making him a firm fan favourite. However, the plot was discovered and both Jedi and the clone troopers were forced to retreat to the mountains west of the capital. Constructing a green-bladed lightsaber and completing the Trials of Knighthood, Kit Fisto ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. Apr 22, 2014 - Don't make me punch you with my Fisto. Fisto was deployed on several underwater missions because of his ability to breathe in water. $82.02. [40] His versatility and weapon skill was such that he could ably apply it towards the usage of dual-blades, or even lightwhips. Kit Fisto was a renowned male Nautolan Jedi Master in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. In 22 BBY, five months after the First Battle of Geonosis, the unit was deployed to Mon Cala. The beacon led only to a hologram of Gunray laughing derisively. Fisto later forged a new accord on the world that led to joint Quarren-Mon Calamari representation in the Galactic Senate. [6] Even so, Grievous had overwhelmed both Fisto and Nadhar Vebb in the first engagement, and Fisto managed to fight evenly with Grievous only after the cyborg had recently been patched up. To end this threat, Fisto traveled with fellow Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin to the Rig—the base of operations for the Crimson Nova chapter of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. [21], Fisto battling Separatist forces on Rishi, Fisto and a number of clone troopers went to Rishi to defeat a large number of Geonosians from attacking and invading an area of the planet. Physical description Glee Anselm Clone wars factions have a few less blue dice so less reliable acc? Shō Hayami. However, Tamson quickly recovered and held Fisto by the arms for a few seconds before kicking him with enough force to make the Jedi lose his weapon. [2] Immediately, Windu summoned Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin to accompany him and Kolar's to confront Palpatine. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He was later dispatched with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Cato Neimoidia on a mission to capture Nute Gunray, who barely escaped the encounter with the three famous Jedi. He was renowned for not only his power and achievements but also for his humility, for being quite approachable, and for his famous friendly smile. The four soon made quick work of the bounty hunters, forcing them to drop the price on Jedi. Accompanying Fisto to Ord Cestus was Obi-Wan Kenobi, ARC trooper "Nate," four clone troopers, and barrister Doolb Snoil, who was a representative of the Galactic Senate. Height During the Clone Wars, Fisto took impulsive Nahdar Vebb for a Padawan, who was killed by General Grievous after attaining the rank of Jedi Knight. Glee Anselm[1] However, he was unable to overcome Ventress and was wounded in the arm. With his design and winning smile, Kit Fisto quickly grew to become a fan-favorite and it was not long before his character was expanded on across the various media. [19], Near the end of the operation, he dueled with Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress. While the other three Jedi were wreaking havoc on the bounty hunters, Fisto made his way to the prison cells. Sadly, it is time to sell my personal Clone Wars collection. Grievous took the upper hand first, destabilizing Fisto with one of his favorite approach, 'windmilling' with his two upper arms while fencing with his two lower. [17], Some months later, Fisto would again be paired with Secura when the pair traveled to Devaron with fellow Jedi Tholme, T'ra Saa, and An'ya Kuro. Fisto and Secura traced the traitor and faced off against a group of super battle droids, which were given to the traitor by her allies in the Confederacy. [14], One of the few Jedi standing when the survivors were shepherded into the center of the arena, Fisto stood ready to die with his allies when several LAAT/i gunships dropped out of the sky. As the war continued, Fisto was appointed to the Jedi Council. He was among the Jedi who participated in the Battle of Geonosis and was one of the few survivors out of … Most notably is in the episode Lair of Grievous, where he meets his former padawan, Nahdar Vebb, and a squad of clonetroopers led by Commander Fil on Vassek. Here they encountered the infamous Gen'Dai bounty hunter Durge, whom they trapped in the catacombs beneath the prison. Having taken up the mantle of General in the ranks of the Grand Army, Fisto was assigned to lead troops on many fronts. He was also seen watching a message from General Grievous when Jedi Master Eeth Koth was captured. Soon, they received a transmission from the two troopers posted outside that his astromech unit had spotted Soulless One, Grievous' personal ship. [6][19] He would occasionally wield a reverse Shien grip whenever possible. Kit Fisto with Clone SCUBA troopers prior to deployment. There Fisto landed his Delta-7B in the fog and was reunited with his former Padawan and recently knighted, Nahdar Vebb, who brought along clone commander Fil and a small squad of clones. While Tholme and Kuro lay injured and Secura was holding off Jedi hunter Aurra Sing, Fisto and Saa assaulted and captured the Confederacy's base.[18]. [29], By this time, Tano and Lee Char had turned themselves in, requesting an audience with Tamson. [33] Kit Fisto eventually met his end when Sidious, the very man he had "protected" a few days before, cleaved into his stomach with his lightsaber. Nervous, he claimed it would have been much calmer if Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi had been with them, fondly recounting his mission with Obi-Wan on Ord Cestus as Kolar expressed wonder over Skywalker remaining in the temple. Pascal Germain. As he was about to pin Grievous to the cliff's wall, Grievous' IG-100 MagnaGuards suddenly appeared and surrounded him. He set traps for them and the team lost all of its troopers except for Commander Fil. Instead, he believed he would be better suited for the Council of Reconciliation,[5] in line with his view that it was the role of the Jedi to use the power they had been given to ensure the social betterment of those less fortunate. For instance, he was capable of creating and manipulating water currents through use of the Force for both offensive and defensive purposes. After examination by the Kaminoan scientists, they concluded that the troopers were infected by a nano-virus. Affiliation(s) 2009's TCW [F/S1] Kit Fisto (No. The puppet based on Kit Fisto, as with all the other puppets, was destroyed in 3 BBY by Sith Lord Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller, when he dueled Kazdan Paratus. Fisto piloted his light interceptor to the surface, leading a squadron of troops alongside Masters Saesee Tiin and Adi Gallia. Fisto's lightsaber contained two crystals employing a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse that allowed the blade to operate underwater. Jedi MasterHigh Jedi General Their mission was to locate and decimate a Separatist foundry launching raids on Republic supply convoys. LaMarr voiced the character with a Jamaican accent, basing his voice on the 7 Up television commercial mascot Fido Dido. STAR WARS THE CLONE WARS ANAKIN STARFIGHTER Ship For 3.75" Action Figures 2003. [11], Around the year 22 BBY, Master Fisto and his colleague Luminara Unduli served as personal Jedi Advisors to the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine,[12] a role that had once been filled by the late Master Jorus C'baoth when Palpatine was still a mere senator.[13]. $38.39. Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class. See more ideas about clone wars, star wars, jedi. He retreated to his control room and lost the Republic's team.Fisto killed the general's medical droid and sat in the general chair, … The group prepared for his arrival and confronted him once he had entered, and the general lost his legs during the brief encounter. It is requested that this article/section of an article be expanded. Kit Fisto at the Kaliida Shoals med center. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Black[1] After heavy fighting Fisto and his clones finally broke through to the citadel where Nute Gunray was hiding. As the prisoners waited, Fisto serenely advised that Skywalker that "less talking" would help the younger, restless Jedi's situation in the eel cage. Kit Fisto dies at the hands of Darth Sidious. Piloted by the clone troopers of the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic, Fisto boarded Grand Master Yoda's ship along with fellow survivors Masters Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi. This gave Binks the chance to use his saliva to seal the hole, saving Amidala's life. Tamson proceeded to interrogate them on Lee Char's whereabouts. $22.00. She studied his moves while he took out her X'Ting minions with ease; when he came to her, he was ready. 1.96 meters[3] He was related to the Force-sensitive to his uncle but he was trained by Jedi Master Yoda in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and accomplished the rank of a Jedi Knight. Kit Fisto later assisted some Jedi in rescuing some forces including Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Wilhuff Tarkin, and some clone troopers from the Citadel. Kit Fisto by TigerVenom22 Jedi Master Kit Fisto was regarded as one of the most skilled lightsaber duelists of his era. His death was not described firsthand—instead, Anakin found Fisto's head on the Chancellor's table with the Nautolan's typical smile on it. When peace talks between the two inhabitants of the planet Dac had ended unsuccessfully, Kit Fisto was sent with some clone SCUBA troopers, led by Commander Monnk, and some Jedi to help Prince Lee-Char defend his home world from the Quarren, which had allied themselves with the Separatists. His mastery of the form was advanced, and he applied it in many battles and duels, always with his trademark smile. At the height of the Clone Wars, he assisted Obi-Wan Kenobi on Ord Cestus and subsequently dueled with Asajj Ventress in order to stop the manufacturing of the Jedi Killer droids. This was indeed a unique attribute not afforded to any other species of Jedi, either naturally or through the Force. Gender: 19 BBY (16:5:22 GrS), Coruscant[2] Phil LaMarr. This proved helpful on Mon Calamari during the Clone Wars. [20], Fisto once more joined Koon when they were dispatched to quell an uprising of inmates of M'Bardi Prison. Later on, Fisto fought with the Republic's forces with the aid of Gungans and the Quarren, and the Separatists were defeated, and Riff Tamson, the leader of the CIS, was killed by Prince Lee-Char. [19] Fisto was also an extremely skilled swimmer and honed his Jedi abilities to take advantage of his amphibious origins, making him a lethal foe underwater as well as on land. These beings grouped together to become one great beast, possessing superlative intelligence and the power of telepathy. Here, both Fisto and Master Koon engaged Ventress once more, but defeated her and liberated this world from the Confederacy rule. Originally, his character was designed as a Sith, but since the movie did not call for a Sith of a species other than Human, this was changed. LEGO 75280 Star Wars Clone Troopers der 501. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Kit Fisto first appeared in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis. Voiced by Phil LaMarr, who based the Jedi’s voice on the 7-UP guy and added a bit of a Jamaican accent, Kit Fisto made many great appearances throughout Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Star Wars Black Series Actionfigur 15 cm Kit Fisto (Clone Wars) Die Black Series 6-inch Premium-Figurenreihe präsentiert "Star Wars - Clone Wars" und andere Star Wars-Episoden. On a mission to recapture Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, Fisto came face to face with General Grievous, nearly defeating the Jedi killer. Kit was killed by Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious in a lightsaber battle. [33], Walking into the office, the four Jedi were astonished when the friendly visage of the Chancellor melted and a crimson lightsaber dropped into his hand. Homeworld: He trained two Mon Calamari Padawans in his career, Nahdar Vebb and Bant Eerin.Fisto had a romantic relationship with Aayla Secura and was a skilled Jedi who survived encounters with Asajj Ventress and General Grievous during the Clone Wars. Kenobi, however, would have been beheaded if the near-unconscious Fisto had not quickly returned the favor. However, he managed to last longer than his fellow combatants, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, being able to block several of Sidious' vicious blows before falling. In 41 BBY he took Bant Eerin as his Padawan. But with the Republic keeping them at arm's length, the Jedi seemingly have a free week to themselves on a tropical paradise. They follow him, and he reveals himself to be Kul Teska. The quarren and the Aqua droids then retreated back to their ships and the coral. Not one to draw attention to himself, Jedi Fisto studied the path of the Jedi Consular, aspiring to gain a seat on the Council of Reconciliation in the future. Kit Fisto’s wave is the last hurrah for the … $49.99 + shipping . A Kwazel Maw then spat Robonino out on the shore next to them, and he was arrested. Die 15 cm große Black Series Kit Fisto Actionfigur ist detailliert und sieht aus wie der Charakter aus Star Wars: The Clone Wars, mit Premium-Details und mehreren Gelenkpunkten. When Grievous tried to take the Supreme Chancellor by boarding the mag-lev train he was being evacuated in, Fisto and Windu pitted themselves against Grievous's strike force, saving the Chancellor and the countless civilians on board. Finally, after years of being considered for a seat on the Jedi Council, Fisto was appointed to the august body due to his exemplary achievements during the Clone Wars. Kit Fisto leads a group of clone troopers in the Battle of Geonosis. Each 6-inch-scale Kit Fisto figure is carefully detailed to look like his appearance in the Clone Wars series. Kit Fisto was a Nautolan Jedi Master who served on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. Fisto defeated this being by scattering the individual creatures throughout the waters. Before Ahsoka passed out, Fisto told her he would take care of the situation. Biographical information Fisto killed the general's medical droid and sat in the general chair, before witnessing his former padawan's painful death. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is currently unknown. Tano then incapacitated her droid guard and regained her lightsabers, which helped the Jedi lead the politicians away from the war zone. Species However, Republic Intelligence obtained information that Nute Gunray fled back to his stronghold on Cato Neimoidia. Biological Information Top-Angebote für Kit Fisto online entdecken bei eBay. Kids and fans alike can imagine the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars saga with figures from The Black Series! Ignoring Grievous taunts and offer of a quick death, Fisto jumped toward his starfighter with the aid of the Force and departed, leaving a fuming Grievous behind. Kit Fisto was an Nautolan.He is available to download to Xbox for Battlefront II.Only in the second battlefront game, he is shown as being half naked (as seen in Star Wars: Clone Wars).He is also available in Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron.In this game though he is shown in a Jedi Robe. Under Commander Riff Tamson article contains more information, this template will an... Kaminoan traitor in the novelization of revenge of the Jedi lead the politicians away from the planet to the. Kaminoan scientists, they sent in Hydroid Medusas, causing the Republic Jedi Starfighter Clone Collection AOTC CW... Was assigned to lead troops on many fronts and surrounded him einem tollen Design verkörpert diese Serie Qualität. 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