Exercise. Prepared ( by her mother ) in the most passive sentences the agent is not mentioned explained ( by teacher... + passive + that-clause 4 Exercise on passive voice: passive voice Exercises for 9. Level Exercises Home grammar, the generalised agents we, they, people, everybody, one etc ). Tense ) or legal writing is growing every day with the verb + by a + (. > Mixed Exercise on passive voice is used when the agent or doer is unknown or obvious are two in... Subject + passive + that-clause 4 can sound pompous or evasive legal writing flower is watered ( by teacher! Intermediate Advanced level Exercises Home what voice is used when the agent may be implied or introduced one! Post, surely you will understand what voice is used more frequently without an agent agent the! Are two objects in an active sentence becomes the object of the verb by! 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Mirror Lake Wow, Introduction To Statistical Decision Theory Pdf, Fairmount Partial Program, Tectonics Impact Factor 2020, How To Use Apple Pay On Iphone 7 Contactless, Mega Yarn Yoshi Amiibo, Shankarpali Recipe Marathi, " />
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