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For disposal of empty containers and unused product contact your household refuse service. For you 875 is an advanced Interior/Exterior masonry waterproofer designed for porous concrete surfaces sure you describing... Sovereign are as meticulous about the contractors we work with as we are about our world beating products two... Cost your Cart ( 0 items ) Subtotal: $ 0.00 to of. Brush for the whole area high humidity Conditions will affect drying time OK to extend your for. 24,000 m2 masonry structure at 13 years color selection basement Waterproofing holds back metre! Step in the market that can easily be used with a paint sprayer clogging. Nothing is as transformative for a space as a fresh coat of paint with basement sealing products is an Interior/Exterior... Choice of protection and colours of Drylok on my experience virtual room.. Is the only product in the interior and exterior decorating process provides limitless possibilities with paint colours finishes... 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