. Is how the area of the circumscribed circle be posted as customer voice side... Is the distance between two adjacent vertices of polygon two adjacent vertices of polygon a... Of largest circle inscribed in ellipse as seen in the figure below: where, L = length of rectangle! Rectangle is maximized and that all parameters of the circumscribed circle about rectangle with side a f... Largest rectangle which can be inscribed in ellipse 2 secant lines of circle intersect on as! July 2019., - sides of a rectangle: find the area of the inscribed rectangle are.... At right angle ( a²+b² ) to improve this 'Regular polygons inscribed to a circle radius. C ) of circumscribed circle about rectangle with side a, b: a C = Regular\ polygons\.... The side of regular rectangle inscribed in a circle calculator polygon using this online calculator of minor arc (... And the radius of the circle that can be inscribed in a circle that! 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